Frequently asked questions

Answers to Help You Get Started with Us

What services do you offer?

At BitPalm, we specialize in mobile app development, website development, backend development and a range of other software solutions to meet your business needs.

How is the process?

In our first consulting you give us details of how you want your project to looks like. After that we give you a cost estimate within 2 days, where the exact costs and our service will be listed in details. By that we can give you an estimate time how long it will take us to finish your project. After you give us the Ok to start working we will keep you updated on every step if required and finish your project with good quality.

Why us?

As a german company we attach a great importance to the quality of our code and your project. Every project is customize to your needs and we want to build a good name for ourselfs here in Dubai

How long will it take to build my app or webite?

The time frame varies based on the complexity and features of the app/webite. After an initial consultation, we'll be able to give you a more accurate estimate.

How much will my project cost?

The cost of a project is determined by various factors such as features, complexity, and development time. We'll provide a detailed quote after understanding your needs.

Will my app work on both iOS and Android?

Yes, we offer cross-platform development services, which means your app can work seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices.

Will my website work on smartphone devices?

Yes! We make sure that your website is working seamlessly on every device.

What kind of support will I get after the project is completed?

We offer various maintenance and support plans to ensure your app or service remains up-to-date and functional.

Can I keep my existing domain?

Yes, you can also keep your domain with your existing provider. We will provide you with the nesessary DNS settings for this. These must be stored by your provider. If you give us the access data of your provider. We can also do this for you.

Can I make changes to the website myself?

Yes, after completing your website you will receive the access data from us via email.

Are there any additional costs?

After our consulting we give you detailed information about the price and our services. There're no hidden costs.

How and when am I going to pay?

Since we're confident with the quality of our work you can pay after our work is done. We issue and invoice and give you full access to your app/website.

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